Let’s talk a bit about the concept of the timeline. And I say a bit, because it is not one of those subjects that a simple metaphysical vignette can complete. What does it mean beyond the obvious, and what is its metaphysical approach, if any?
I think we all understand the obvious interpretation. A series of moments that characterize an event. The timeline of a trip includes all moments from the moment the trip is decided until it is completed. I think this is understandable.
Each timeline, if it does not belong to a completed event, basically has two parts. The part from its beginning until now, and the second part from now until its completion. And this is where all beautiful things start. Its first part is specific. It is fixed and unchanging. But the second is a bunch of different scenarios and therefore it is many possible timelines with unique events each time. There are likely to be some milestones that are common to several of the future developments in this timeline.
If we take only the common points of all future moments, and include them in our original timeline, then the second part gains a unique character. But this is only acceptable for analytical purposes, and life has never confirmed it. Something always happens and the timeline changes character and destination.
There is something that is interesting. If we admit that time is relative, and if, I mean if, there is a possibility to interfere with one milestone that have already happened in a timeline, don’t we also then change its outcome? Note that the many “ifs” I mention are because the continuation has nothing to do with the timeline theory.
For that to be done depends on the timeline. A timeline, for example, comprising emotional elements, can be differentiated. Isn’t that what psychologists do, anyway? They change an emotional information of the past and the person completely changes its behavior in the present. Isn’t this a timeline manipulation? I could add that it’s not only the top choice but also the critical aspect we need to concentrate on. Imagine a traumatic experience turning into something trivial?
So that’s it as far as the first part is concerned, because if someone thinks that he will be transported back in time to that moment and change the events, he is seriously mistaken.
Let us also look at a possible metaphysical interpretation. For example, think of the creation. As a concept, there must have been many timelines that at some timeless moment crossed through the creator’s mind. Childish approach, but I have no other. Who can claim that those different timelines of the creation do not operate independently of each other?
One could ask: “Is this what some call parallel universes?”
You could say that. But even if they do not operate in parallel, who can say in certainty that it is not possible for the information to be perceived from one another? In that case, if one can see the information, doesn’t he also see a part of what may happen or have happened?
It is worth adding a couple more things in order to fully understand the change that takes place in a timeline. I refer to the change when someone intervenes in something that happened in the past, and especially in a timeline from emotional points.
If you hear a noise and get scared, you go into a panic mode. However, if I tell you that what you heard was the anchor being tied by the boatswain, for example, automatically the event that is already in the past changes color transforming your present as well.
This is the simplest modification of a timeline, since we should not forget that every individual element also has a texture, a color, for example, that characterizes it. When and if you can change the color or better the quality of some moments, then the interpretation of the timeline itself also changes completely. You literally automatically jump into another timeline that was right next to you, but you were not aware of.
If we train our mind to look for these solutions and finally implement them, our life will become more carefree, more humane and will be characterized overall by harmony and happiness.
The question that remains is whether the events of the past can be changed.
If you were in Crete, you cannot be in Athens. But imagine reliving the moment you were in Crete, being able to witness the emotional moments of another person in Rhodes and being able to change the quality of the elements of their own timeline!
This also can be done, but it is an act of magic. You never know, we may live now such an act. Beware, spells and magic differ from other acts of magic. Acts of magic is a prayer (not every time), a wish (again not every time), and unfortunately, a bad thought (fortunately, under special circumstances). Anyway, this is another story.
I’m sure there are a few who practice conscious acts of magic and even fewer who struggle to correct the emotional timelines that weigh on their lives. If it is worth dealing with the idea of the timeline, beyond the fantastic fairy tales that increasingly fill our screens, it is to lighten the burden we carry. By relieving ourselves of some burdens, we live in a present more serene and literally more real.
The act of clearing personal timelines is the best way to join the reality of now. And why not? It is the best preparation for completing our life’s purpose.
One last thing, isn’t the life we live a specific timeline? Don’t you think it’s worth cleaning it from the trash it carries?