Valia Sakellariadi

Let’s know ourselves! It is about time!

Self-awareness everywhere and for everyone. This word is commonly used within the circles of metaphysical and socio-psychological groups, who are dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey towards wholeness. Are they wrong? Of course not. But they are not right either. Nowadays, the need for self-awareness has passed from the stage of revelation to that of common acceptance. So now, each of us can refer with ease to that.

Of course, by that, I don’t encourage continuous talks on self awareness from everyone. Not to mention every poor fellow that feels the need to state something exceptional and over-analyse this ancient suggestion.

Isn’t it strange thought that every teacher and master speaks about accomplishing self awareness as if it is the easiest thing in the world?

Can this otherwise correct and well-founded motivation hide something more?

Theoretically, the recognition of cons and the attempt to initially balance them, following the attempt to eliminate them, are phases that whoever follows the path of completion, is supposed to know and experience in his daily life. I will not speak of prejudices, outdated practices and more that belong to the sphere of self-improvement, not only for the somehow more advanced but also for every intelligent person.

For a person to have a confirmed and authentic personality is crucial. Fakeness at this point is destructive.

The quintessence of self-awareness, then, goes beyond the knowledge of the self and becomes the possibility of knowing the purpose. And the purpose of every man is not simply to achieve the inseparable union with that which is within him, thus claiming his immortality. He needs this achievement to pass to the next level, to the union with the higher consciousness from which he came as a spiritual unit. From this point onwards, however, the purpose of existence unfolds, which must be sought in the purpose of creation itself. Thus, his particular characteristics, the degree of knowledge he possesses of truth and the nature of his intuitions, reveal to him the weapons with which he is endowed.

Self-knowledge, for better or for worst, is something that is attained by only a select few individuals who do not associate themselves with peculiar groups that are defined by rules and annual publications. It is achieved solely through the level of dedication and the extent of personal achievements of each individual. 

I point out that man must, beyond his struggle for the conquest of personality, know accurately his value by precisely defining himself. The knowledge mentioned here encompasses various aspects, including understanding an individual’s unique characteristics, assessing the extent of their development, and comprehending their intuitions.

This particularity is not insignificant at all. The effort made today to flatten and turn everything and everyone into copies, moreover of poor quality, shows the importance of each person’s special characteristics. 

Identifying and embracing our uniqueness is essential, but it is equally significant to translate it into action. Existing in postponement does not allow its full development. Let us not make the mistake at this point of saying that a glaring quality of ours is our distinguishing feature. It is tragically foolish to think that God made us tall to change light bulbs.

Knowledge of the course, knowledge of ourself, and knowledge of our special characteristic are crucial prerequisites for positive behaving and moving in the right direction.

Knowing the point or level we are at means nothing more than knowing what we know. The benevolent thinker wonders: Well, did I know what I know? We have learned to gain knowledge through processes of casual approach to issues. This unfortunately makes us all flatterers, because everything we know is how we learned it. However, because we are not aware of this sector’s size, we do not know what we are unaware of. To put it into simple words, we cannot evaluate our level of knowledge on the subject in question.

We talk like medical experts with less than 1% knowledge of general medicine, in legal matters, we reach 3%. We are talking about raising children with a theoretical knowledge of 20% and practical frequently of 0%. What level of understanding do we have for matters that are of a more transcendental nature? Consequently, we find ourselves in a perplexing situation where we adopt positions that are based on somewhat subjective assumptions, elevating our status to a level higher than that of a spiritual master. We ought to know what we know and be aware of the titles of what we do not.

The practice is relatively simple. We must have a comprehensive summary on the subject, which we should not confuse with the knowledge of the subject but with the knowledge of our ignorance about it.

This all sounds like a pun. Trust me, it’s not. It is essential to determine our larger purpose as humans.

Moving on to our intuitions, how can I express it so that I do not scare you? I believe there are two different aspects to this issue. First, to define the concept of intuition, and second, to define its nature. Right now, we have an excellent opportunity to delve into and clarify certain concepts that consistently cause confusion. The concepts of premonition, prediction, inspiration and intuition.

A premonition, which is a higher form of feeling, is a sensation which enables us to perceive an impending event, to which our judgment contributes nothing. I would say that this kind of perception has its roots in man’s ability to sense the genesis of events from the very phase when motivation creates its beginning.

Prediction, which is a higher form of judgment, is the foreknowledge of an event and has a logical origin. Both premonition and prediction occur when we are awake and are because of a higher activity of our senses. Both human activities rely on an individual’s subjective and instinctive interpretation of external stimuli.

As for inspiration, it is a quality of man that springs from the astral plane. I have mentioned this in my previous posts so I will not repeat it. All humans are subject to the inspiration that creeps into us and overrides our will. To put it differently, the power of inspiration can control individuals and can either have a positive or negative impact on them. 

Finally, as far as intuition is concerned, it is a vibe of an entirely different level of consciousness. It causes union with higher consciousness entities. It regenerates beings in love and faith and gives the individual all his freedom. 

The latter is what should interest us the most, and it is the one whose nature we must know as part of our self-knowledge.

Things can be quite challenging in the beginning. Since intuition has such a high origin, how can we know its nature? Additionally, why is it important to understand its true essence, given that it inherently belongs to a realm of consciousness that is entirely separate? I think it is initially sufficient just to understand whether what happens to us results from intuition or inspiration.

In order to accomplish this, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and strive to embody a heightened state of awareness, which, according to my opinion, should serve as our ultimate aspiration. It is through this method that we will gain clarity on our purpose, for it is the very essence of our incarnation.

This is the way.