This time, we will discuss the general idea of meditation (and not only). And not to be misunderstood from the start, I am not against meditation. But meditation is not taking a nap and consider yourself meditating.
You will tell me that this does not happen to you, but to others. I refer to them and only to them. I don’t dare to speak about what you re doing. You are doing everything the right way.
Let’s start from scratch.
First, you isolate yourself in a proper place. You sat in a chair or better, in that difficult position that yogis (and not all of them) take. You closed your eyes and focused on the voice of your chosen one that, from the speaker on your phone, directs you to your meditative exercise. His or her voice, commanding and steady, tells you to inhale deeply, then exhale. When he thinks you’ve got it, he stops and begins with words to help you walk down the paths of the inner self or the paths of the higher self, depending on the level you have reached. Time passes and a few minutes later, his/her voice brings you back to the here and now and bids you farewell after wishing you a good rest of your day. Of course, many of you do all the above by yourself. And you are doing well since the result is that you feel better.
I assure you that anyone who takes a nap for a quarter, or lets himself to the sounds of some monotonous music, if he is not in trouble by the way he sits, will feel better.
What I have described, my good friends, is not meditation. It is whatever you want to call it, but not meditation.
Everything starts from what we want to achieve with this action. If we want to relax, we have achieved it and no one may say otherwise.
But the goal of meditation is, in my humble opinion, different. We meditate to understand the unthinkable. All the rest we think about and analyze are generally perceived by our senses and are not approached through meditation.
Let’s see in a simple way, besides, I am not in a position to describe it to you better since I am not an expert, the functioning of our brain. What we call the mind is essentially a network of neurons that house the synapses of the brain.
I copy from a medicine manuscript: When we are young, our brain is like an unexplored map, ready to create new pathways and synapses between neurons. As we interact with the world around us, our brain responds by adjusting its structure and strengthening the connections between neurons. This ability needs new knowledge and skills. One of the fundamental processes that occurs during it is synaptic change. Synapses between neurons are strengthened or weakened depending on the frequency and intensity of their use. This means that frequently used connections are strengthened, while those that remain inactive are weakened. This process allows the brain to adapt to the demands of the environment and acquire new abilities.
In other words, our brain is a set of synapses that vibrate from external stimuli, returning most of the time the most appropriate reaction to the incoming information.
But there must be a proper synapse for this two-way relationship to work. For example, if you’ve never heard a grenade going off, you’re likely to think it’s a car crash or something closer to your stored synapses.
Another example is the one about knowing a foreign language and matching words. If your language is limited to two words, good-bad, all stimuli will activate one of the two synapses, regardless of proximity. It’s a poor example, but I put it in order to understand the basic principles of how our brain works.
So how do we expect, through a meditative tactic, to understand transcendental matters? We simply cannot because the relational database does not exist in our brain. So when we hear a teacher tell us various things, we do nothing more than connect the hearings with personal experiences, and most of the time, his monotonous voice leads us on the paths of Morpheus.
The question is simple: What should we do? The answer is perfectly logical. We need to create the proper synapses.
And this is where the difficulties begin. How are synapses created? By interacting with the environment, experts tell us. And I, the naïve, in my turn, will ask: And when it comes to the transcendental space, what do we do?
The correct answer hides in one word. Silence. In common words, we shut the fuck up. We isolate ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding area; we make sure that nothing distracts us – clothes, the way we sit, etc. – and KEEP SILENT. In other words, we empty our minds of everything. We don’t let any synapse work; we don’t envision lights and angels. And we don’t envision gods and devils, nothing. We try to achieve absolute silence.
It’s not easy. It takes a lot of effort, but at some point we will make it. And there, in the mind’s silence, in the absence of emotions, feelings and stimuli, the simplest thing will happen. The transcendental information of creation will form its own synapses in our brains. That is, they will create some synapses that can vibrate with transcendental information.
Once this process has progressed to a satisfactory degree, the great journey of understanding will begin. But, at that point, something else is needed. The process needs many other synapses that are capable of connecting with them, that is, the vibrations that the “transcendental synapses” now understand.
That is, the part of our brain that vibrates with transcendence needs to communicate with what is closer to them in the real world. So it is understood that knowledge is needed. When there is no data in the field of science, how do we expect to understand big ideas?
We study, we think, we create synapses. And we become silent; we create new synapses, and when we coordinate these two functions, then and only then can the truths of the beginning be revealed to us. This happens to all of us, just without effect to those who are not properly prepared, because at some point we achieve silence, even unconsciously.
There are some who have achieved this to a very great extent. They know the truths. They are the ones who are recognized as masters. Most of them try to stimulate our minds. Unfortunately, most of the time, they stimulate other centers. Usually that of the heart. But this is how zealots of the truth are created and not free people.
Meditation, and I mean proper meditation, is just that act. The original creation of the transcendental synapses, that is, the storage in our brain of the information of creation, and through them, the vibration of the synapses that make us human. And man is the creature who knows the dual purpose of his existence.
And this is the way.